Sunday, November 15, 2009


So many new things will be going on on the blog.  First, I will be rolling out a new feature today called "Freelance Writing Motivation and Inspiration".  This feature will be contributed by fellow writers, new and old.  I will ask a question and current freelance writers will provide their insight on all things freelance writing.  I got some fantastic insight this week so be looking for this post very shortly.

More freelance writing gigs.  I have been trying really hard to find the time to research and post about reputable freelance writing gigs.  I will finally have some time this week to do so.  So keep an eye out for some information on writing gigs.

Print gigs.  Here on the blog I will be posting information on some print gigs.  I will post editorial calenders, links, and guidelines for a variety of print gigs.  I will start posting a few here and there, but this feature will officially roll out in January 2010.

Is there something you would like to see on the blog?  Head over to the Ning and tell me about it.